

/autoauth – 查看自动授权状态
/autoauth – 为您的朋友启用/禁用自动授权
/autoauth – 与您的朋友分享橱柜
/autoauth – 与您的朋友分享炮塔
/autoauth [door / box / other] – 与您的朋友分享钥匙锁
/autoauth [door / box / other] – 与朋友分享密码锁
/autoauth – 为您的部落成员启用/禁用自动授权
/autoauth – 与您的部落成员共享橱柜
/autoauth – 与您的部落成员共享炮塔
/autoauth [door / box / other] – 与您的部落成员共享钥匙锁
/autoauth [door / box / other] – 与您的部落成员共享密码锁
/autoauth – 为您的团队成员启用/禁用自动授权
/autoauth – 与您的团队成员共享橱柜
/autoauth – 与您的团队成员共享炮塔
/autoauth [door / box / other] – 与您的团队成员共享钥匙锁
/autoauth [door / box / other] – 与您的团队成员共享密码锁
/autoauth – 查看帮助
/autoauthui – 打开自动授权用户界面
这个插件使用了 Oxide 的权限系统。
要分配权限,请使用oxide.grant .
要删除权限,请使用oxide.revoke .
oxide.grant group default automaticauthorization.use – 需要使用





  "Clear Share Data On Map Wipe": false,
  "Chat Settings": {
    "Send Authorization Success Message": true,
    "Chat Command": "aa",
    "Chat UI Command": "aaui",
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=#00FFFF>[AutoAuth]</color>: ",
    "Chat SteamID Icon": 0
  "Teams Share Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Share Cupboard": true,
    "Share Turret": true,
    "Key Lock Settings": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Door": true,
      "Share Box": true,
      "Share Other Locked Entities": true
    "Code Lock Settings": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Door": true,
      "Share Box": true,
      "Share Other Locked Entities": true
  "Friends Share Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Share Cupboard": true,
    "Share Turret": true,
    "Key Lock Settings": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Door": true,
      "Share Box": true,
      "Share Other Locked Entities": true
    "Code Lock Settings": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Door": true,
      "Share Box": true,
      "Share Other Locked Entities": true
  "Clans Share Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Share Cupboard": true,
    "Share Turret": true,
    "Key Lock Settings": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Door": true,
      "Share Box": true,
      "Share Other Locked Entities": true
    "Code Lock Settings": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Door": true,
      "Share Box": true,
      "Share Other Locked Entities": true
  "Default Share Settings": {
    "Teams": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Cupboard": true,
      "Share Turret": true,
      "Key Lock Settings": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Share Door": true,
        "Share Box": true,
        "Share Other Locked Entities": true
      "Code Lock Settings": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Share Door": true,
        "Share Box": true,
        "Share Other Locked Entities": true
    "Friends": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Cupboard": true,
      "Share Turret": true,
      "Key Lock Settings": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Share Door": true,
        "Share Box": true,
        "Share Other Locked Entities": true
      "Code Lock Settings": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Share Door": true,
        "Share Box": true,
        "Share Other Locked Entities": true
    "Clans": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Share Cupboard": true,
      "Share Turret": true,
      "Key Lock Settings": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Share Door": true,
        "Share Box": true,
        "Share Other Locked Entities": true
      "Code Lock Settings": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Share Door": true,
        "Share Box": true,
        "Share Other Locked Entities": true
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 3,
    "Patch": 0






  "NotAllowed": "You do not have permission to use this command",
  "Enabled": "<color=#8ee700>Enabled</color>",
  "Disabled": "<color=#ce422b>Disabled</color>",
  "UnableAutoAuth": "Unable to automatically authorize other players",
  "SyntaxError": "Syntax error, please type '<color=#ce422b>/{0} <help | h></color>' to view help",
  "TurretSuccess": "Successfully added <color=#ce422b>{0}</color> friends/clan members/team members to <color=#ce422b>{1}</color> turrets auth list",
  "CupboardSuccess": "Successfully added <color=#ce422b>{0}</color> friends/clan members/team members  to <color=#ce422b>{1}</color> cupboards auth list",
  "UISyntax": "<color=#ce422b>/{0}</color> - Open Automatic Authorization UI",
  "Friends": "Friends automatic authorization {0}",
  "Clans": "Clan automatic authorization {0}",
  "Teams": "Team automatic authorization {0}",
  "UI_Title": "Automatic Authorization UI",
  "Syntax": "<color=#ce422b>/{0} {1}</color>\n- Enable/Disable automatic authorization for your {2}",
  "Syntax1": "<color=#ce422b>/{0} {1} <cupboard | c></color>\n- Sharing cupboard with your {2}",
  "Syntax2": "<color=#ce422b>/{0} {1} <turret | t></color>\n- Sharing turret with your {2}",
  "Syntax3": "<color=#ce422b>/{0} {1} <keylock | kl> [door / box / other]</color>\n- Sharing key lock with your {2}",
  "Syntax4": "<color=#ce422b>/{0} {1} <codelock | cl> [door / box / other]</color>\n- Sharing code lock with your {2}",
  "TeamsCmdSyntax": "<team | t>",
  "FriendsCmdSyntax": "<friend | f>",
  "ClansCmdSyntax": "<clan | c>",
  "TeamsMembers": "<color=#009EFF>team members</color>",
  "FriendsMembers": "<color=#009EFF>friends</color>",
  "ClansMembers": "<color=#009EFF>clan members</color>",
  "ShareStatus": "<color=#ffa500>Current {0} sharing status: </color>",
  "Share": "Auto sharing with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareCupboard": "Auto sharing cupboard with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareTurret": "Auto sharing turret with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareKeyLock": "Auto sharing key lock with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareKeyLockDoor": "Auto sharing key lock of door with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareKeyLockBox": "Auto sharing key lock of box with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareKeyLockOther": "Auto sharing key lock of other entity with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareCodeLock": "Auto sharing code lock with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareCodeLockDoor": "Auto sharing code lock of door with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareCodeLockBox": "Auto sharing code lock of box with {0}: {1}",
  "ShareCodeLockOther": "Auto sharing code lock of other entity with {0}: {1}",
  "All": "Sharing with {0} is {1}",
  "Cupboard": "Sharing cupboard with {0} is {1}",
  "Turret": "Sharing turret with {0} is {1}",
  "KeyLock": "Sharing key lock with {0} is {1}",
  "KeyLockDoor": "Sharing key lock of door with {0} is {1}",
  "KeyLockBox": "Sharing key lock of box with {0} is {1}",
  "KeyLockOther": "Sharing key lock of other entity with {0} is {1}",
  "CodeLock": "Sharing code lock with {0} is {1}",
  "CodeLockDoor": "Sharing code lock of door with {0} is {1}",
  "CodeLockBox": "Sharing code lock of box with {0} is {1}",
  "CodeLockOther": "Sharing code lock of other entity with {0} is {1}",
  "AllDisabled": "Server has disabled {0} sharing",
  "CupboardDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing cupboard with {0}",
  "TurretDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing turret with {0}",
  "KeyLockDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing key lock with {0}",
  "KeyLockDoorDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing key lock of door with {0}",
  "KeyLockBoxDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing key lock of box with {0}",
  "KeyLockOtherDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing key lock of other entity with {0}",
  "CodeLockDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing code lock with {0}",
  "CodeLockDoorDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing code lock of door with {0}",
  "CodeLockBoxDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing code lock of box with {0}",
  "CodeLockOtherDisabled": "Server has disabled sharing code lock of other entity with {0}",
  "UI_Teams": "Team",
  "UI_Friends": "Friend",
  "UI_Clans": "Clan",
  "UI_SubTitle": "{0} Sharing Settings",
  "UI_SubShare": "{0} Sharing",
  "UI_SubCupboard": "Sharing Cupboard",
  "UI_SubTurret": "Sharing Turret",
  "UI_SubKeyLock": "Sharing Key Lock",
  "UI_SubKeyLockDoor": "Sharing Key Lock of Door",
  "UI_SubKeyLockBox": "Sharing Key Lock of Box",
  "UI_SubKeyLockOther": "Sharing Key Lock of Other Entity",
  "UI_SubCodeLock": "Sharing Code Lock",
  "UI_SubCodeLockDoor": "Sharing Code Lock of Door",
  "UI_SubCodeLockBox": "Sharing Code Lock of Box",
  "UI_SubCodeLockOther": "Sharing Code Lock of Other Entity"
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